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(ViDEO) Get FREE LinkedIn Verification Badge with Passport 2025

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 In the ever-evolving world of professional networking and job-seeking, having a LinkedIn Verification Badge can make all the difference. It adds credibility to your profile, helps you stand out in a sea of connections, and assures potential employers, clients, or partners of your legitimacy. The good news is, you can now obtain this coveted badge for FREE using passport verification. In this article, we'll guide you through the process step by step, so you can enhance your LinkedIn profile and make a lasting impression.

Why LinkedIn Verification Matters

Before we dive into the how-to, let's understand the significance of a LinkedIn Verification Badge. This blue checkmark symbolizes that your LinkedIn profile is authentic and represents a real individual or entity. It serves as a mark of trustworthiness, especially in a platform where genuine connections and professional relationships are paramount.

Connect with my verified LinkedIn account @HiSazzadinfo.

A LinkedIn Verification Badge can benefit you in several ways:

  • Credibility: It shows that you're a legitimate professional in your field.
  • Visibility: Verified profiles often appear higher in search results, increasing your visibility to potential connections and employers.
  • Trust: It reassures others that they are interacting with a real person, reducing the risk of scams or fraudulent activities.
  • Networking: It can help you connect with influential professionals more easily.

Here are the steps to add identity verification:

Government IDs: To verify your identity using Persona, you'll need to provide a photo of a valid NFC-enabled passport that has been issued to you.

NFC-compatible symbol: Your passport should have the NFC symbol on the front cover to be NFC-capable. The NFC chip is located at the back of your passport.

Name matching: The name on your passport must match the name on your LinkedIn profile. If you have a LinkedIn profile in another language, ensure that the name on your passport also matches the name on your secondary language profile. Your verification won't be added to your LinkedIn profile unless these names match.

Devices: This verification method is accessible through the LinkedIn mobile app for both iOS and Android. It is currently not available on web browsers. On web browsers, you'll be prompted to scan a QR code using your mobile device.

Camera access: If you haven't already granted the LinkedIn app permission to access your mobile device's camera, your Android or iOS device will prompt you to enable it. This permission is necessary to complete your identity verification. If you've granted this permission, Persona will guide you through taking a picture of your government-issued NFC passport.

Data collection and sharing: While you access Persona's verification process through the LinkedIn app, Persona will be responsible for collecting certain personal data required for identity verification, including an image of your passport and a selfie.

Obtaining a LinkedIn Verification Badge with Passport

LinkedIn has made it easier than ever to obtain a Verification Badge by introducing passport verification. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get your badge:

Step 1: Login to Your LinkedIn Account

Log in to your LinkedIn account using your credentials. If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one before proceeding.

Step 2: Go to "Settings & Privacy"

Click on your profile picture or your name at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. From the dropdown menu, select "Settings & Privacy."

Step 3: Navigate to "Account Preferences"

In the "Settings & Privacy" section, click on "Account Preferences" on the left-hand side.

Step 4: Click "Get Verified"

Step 5: Click "Identity"

Step 6: Select your country

Step 7: Take a picture of your passport. Make sure to take a good photo and retake it until you can get a good one. Provide Your Passport Information LinkedIn will prompt you to provide your passport information. Make sure you have your passport ready to enter the required details accurately.

Step 8: Scan your passport using the NFC.

Step 9: Selfie.

Step 10: Share your verified info on LinkedIn. (Important - for verification purposes)

Step 11: Review and Submit Your Information

Double-check all the information you've entered for accuracy. Once you're confident that everything is correct, click the "Submit" button.

Step 12: Wait for Verification

LinkedIn will now verify the information you've provided. This may take some time, so be patient.

Step 13: Receive Your Verification Badge

Once LinkedIn has confirmed your identity, you'll receive a notification that your Verification Badge is ready. Congratulations, you've successfully obtained your badge!

Connect with my verified LinkedIn account @HiSazzadinfo.

FREE LinkedIn Verification Badge with Passport 

Final Thoughts

A LinkedIn Verification Badge is a powerful tool to enhance your online professional presence. With passport verification, LinkedIn has made it accessible to everyone, making it easier than ever to build trust and credibility in your network.

Remember that passport verification requires you to provide accurate and truthful information. Attempting to deceive LinkedIn with false information can have serious consequences, including the removal of your badge and even the suspension of your account.

So, take the honest route, follow the steps outlined in this guide, and enjoy the benefits of a LinkedIn Verification Badge. Make your professional network stand out with authenticity and credibility, and open up new doors in your career or business journey.

(Search:  Linkedin verification badge meaning linkedin verified badge  how to get linkedin verified badge linkedin verification badge reddit linkedin verified company page clear linkedin verification linkedin clear verification not working linkedin verification not working)

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