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Popular Website Builder is Shut Down Their Platform | Childhood Memories

Popular Website Builder is Shutting Down Their Platform | Childhood Memories The popular Indonesian website builder we known as announced that they are shutting down of the platform on November 15th 2018 due to massive payment on their server. Since coming to Android, the use of Wapka has decreased so much that the authorities can not afford the server's expense. The moderators of the giant WAP building site has taken their website to announce the closure of the platform. Wapka, popularly known by its URL Wapka.Mobi which started around 2007 decided to end the supplication of service to its use due to an insufficient fund to run hosting dues/charges for the platform.
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Popular Website Builder announced is Shutting Down Their Platform | 
Wepmaster Childhood Memories

What is

Wapka is a mobile content management system (CMS) that enables users to create mobile-friendly websites and applications. It allows users to create and host websites and mobile applications for free, offering features such as custom themes, file sharing, music and video streaming, and more. The platform uses WML (Wireless Markup Language), a markup language for creating mobile-friendly websites, and supports a variety of file types including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Wapka is primarily aimed at mobile users and provides a simple and intuitive platform for creating mobile websites and applications.

I do not want to let you go but you go away.

Yes, the unpredictable truth that comes back and forth like horror, in our lives. Just like it is time to say goodbye to That's the first time in 2010, I registered in Wapka and I made my own website here. There is no report of how many forums, downloads and how many phishing sites have been created here. But Wapka headed towards dead today. Yes, is Shutting Down Their Platform and all Services.

The popular Indonesian website builder we known as announced that they are shutting down of the platform on November 15th 2018 due to massive payment on their server. Since coming to Android, the use of Wapka has decreased so much that the authorities can not afford the server's expense. The moderators of the giant WAP building site has taken their website to announce the closure of the platform. Wapka, popularly known by its URL Wapka.Mobi which started around 2007 decided to end the supplication of service to its use due to an insufficient fund to run hosting dues/charges for the platform. 

This website builder is a very good one, it has helped many souls. So many countries bloggers, programmers, and developers started from wapka. Wapka helped people to learn the fundamentals of web languages. Wapka enabled people to build websites with no hosting cost. 

However, according to the announcement, They said to have reserved some months to enable webmasters backup all there files. The announcement content includes shutting down of the file manager, content manager, video manager. There uploading will be closed on 15th September. The also said that wapka website will entirely shut down by 15th November 2018. The mentioned that unable to backup will lose his/her data because everything will be deleted after the shutdown. Once the shutdown, the whole thing will stop to work, you won't be able to log in from your passport again. Till now wapka webmasters are still waiting to see if the wapka owners would consider there opinion.

If this link is available then the Wapka Authority's Last Update is available. So that's written

“Dear wapmasters, Because unable to afford expensive server costs, we are really sad to inform you that we are planning to shut down WAPKA service. We will reserve some days to let you back up and export your data. The date is arranged like this, FM/CM/VM uploading service will be shut down on 15th Sept, the entire service will be shut down on 15th Nov.Please note that the data will be deleted permanently after the service shut down, you will be unable to sign in Passport as well. So please sure to handle the data properly before the end time coming.We are appreciated all the effort you paid in WAPKA. Thanks for your brilliant creations. Thanks for your whole supports. Because of you along the way, we can be so wonderful. Lasting bless you.If any questions and problems, please feel free to contact us via email”

Popular Website Builder announced is Shutting Down Their Platform 

This means that the authorities are shutting down Wapka because without being able to afford the costly Server Maintain. As a web developer and web designer, it is a very sad announcement. Wapa has many of my memories of childhood. Hope in the development world, so much so that due to WAPKA. We really really miss Wapka & Mr Martin (wapka Admin). 

3 تعليقات

  1. 100% true sir ...
  2. i miss wapka 😭
  3. Ok sir
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